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At King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy, we aim to maintain a secure, caring and calm environment in which students can learn and prosper. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been necessary to make some adjustments for the safety of all students and staff. The documents available below give details of mechanisms put in place, as well as Teams Tutorial guides. In addition to these, the key are summarised below:


  • Separate entry and exit points for Key stages
  • Households can enter at any entrance but then must attend one of their Year group specific dedicated zones 
  • Each year group Bubble will have two external sheltered zones and one in the hall/canteen
  • These zones will ensure strict social distancing of the year group Bubbles
  • Year groups will be zoned and have dedicated entry and exit points and toilets
  • All breaks and lunchtimes are within year group zones only
  • Staff and students will be able to wear face coverings when moving around the building, at break and lunchtimes
  • Staggered departure and entry to buildings
  • Revised duty points based on zones
  • All lessons and breaks to be taken within allocated year ‘Bubbles’ in one of the 3 zoned areas
  • Teachers to move to their classes, except for some practical lessons
  • Ample fixed hand sanitizer dispensers are already in situ
  • All classrooms in year group Bubbles will also have wall fixed dispensers which students and staff will use on entry to the classroom
  • Classrooms have been reconfigured to ensure all desks are facing forward and there is adequate social distancing for the teacher
  • Teachers will be able to store books and resources in boxes which will remain in classrooms within the Year group bubbles
  • On days that students have PE they will be expected to attend in their PE Kit
  • Extended lunch times.
  • Lunch – Grab & Go only with zoned standing areas.
  • Early and later lunch times for Y7 & Y8, timetabled teachers to supervise.
  • KS5 full staggered approach – arrival for first lesson and leave after last lesson.
  • Remote tutor time, enrichment & PSHE.
  • SLT, ELT and Pastoral Team to be allocated lesson change over zones.

Systems of Control: Protective Measures

  1. The table below outlines the key protective measures the school will take to deliver the nine essential controls identified by Public Health England.
  2. Further controls are set out in the school’s risk assessment.
NoEssential ControlSchool Actions
1Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend school.Anyone with symptoms must remain at home and self-isolate for 7 days from testing positive. Anyone in their household needs to self-isolate for 10 days (including siblings).  This will be communicated to parents regularly.Any student or staff member will go home immediately if they have symptoms. They should take a test as soon as possible.A student with symptoms awaiting collection will be isolated and kept at a distance of 2m from the supervising staff member in the Humanities Disabled Toilet area.  PPE will be worn if distancing of 2m or more from the symptomatic student is not possible or there is a risk of contaminated bodily fluids. If the child uses the toilet, it will be thoroughly disinfected before use by anyone else.All staff and students will wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and running water or use hand sanitiser after any contact with someone who is unwell.  The area around the person with symptoms will be cleaned with normal household disinfectant. All new staff will complete training on infection control.  All staff, current and new, will be reminded of the key messages from the training.
2Clean hands thoroughly more often than usual.All students and staff will sanitise hands on entering and leaving school and before and after each lesson.  Sanitiser dispensers will be located at the entrance of the school and of each classroom.All students and staff will be reminded to wash hands before and after visiting the toilet, coughing/sneezing and having a meal.Heads of Year/Pastoral Manager will visit each lesson to remind everyone to sanitise hands.All students will receive regular reminders on effective handwashing routines – including using videos during registration and on large screens in social areas.The Estates Team will schedule checks during each day on stocks of hand sanitiser, soap and paper towels to check there is adequate supply.
3Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.catching a cough or sneeze in tissue, disposing of the tissue and washing hands, particularly on large screens and by washbasins/toilets and at entry/exit points.
4Introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often, using standard products such as detergents and bleach.All classrooms will be provided with disinfectant wipes for teachers to use on the keyboard, screen and mouse before and after each lesson.   Such wipes will also be provided to each specialist room for use by students to wipe down their chair, workspace and specialist equipment (in addition to the disinfection carried out by cleaners).All specialist rooms will be disinfected by cleaners between lessons (where students from a different bubble are using the room).All clearers will be trained and regularly reminded of the protocols for disinfecting surfaces.There will be an enhanced cleaning schedule throughout the day.The Estates Team will schedule checks during each day on stocks of cleaning materials to check there is adequate supply.
5Minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible.Each year group is a single bubble.Year 12 and Year 13 will be kept separately where possible (e.g. in lessons), though will constitute one bubble.Each bubble will have a designated set of classrooms (i.e. homebase) for all of their lessons, in which no other year group students are permitted.  This will minimise movement around the school and mitigate crowding on corridors and contact with students of other year groups. Staff will move between bubbles and will be required to socially distance from students at all times.Each bubble will have a designated venue for break time, lunchtime, and when needing the toilet.  These venues will be disinfected before and after another bubble is able to make use of them.Each bubble will have a designated time for arrival, break, lunch and finish.   These staggered times will ensure there is minimal contact between students of different bubbles.When using specialist rooms:Disinfect teacher and student workspaces before and after lesson.Students sanitise before and after the lesson.The class wait in their bubble and their movement to and from their specialist venue is managed by their teacher to avoid crowding on corridors.Students and staff will be prohibited from sharing any belongings, including stationery.  There will be a stock of new stationery available for students who forget.When giving out resources in lesson (e.g. textbooks, exam papers) these may be shared within the bubble (ideally, within the class itself).  However, such resources may not be shared with students in other year groups until and unless they are disinfected, or they are left for a period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastic).   Where topics in a subject require specialist equipment (e.g. paintbrushes, musical instrument etc) across year groups, the scheme of work should be revised to allow topics to be delivered in a different sequence.  For example, painting may be delivered to Year 7 during the first half-term and then to Year 8 in the second half-term.  Similarly, different library books will be designated to each year group and can only be loaned by students in the same year group.For marking of student work or assessments, teachers will wait 48 hours before handling.   Student books and test scripts will be placed in a plastic box (for the teacher) and retained in school for 48 hours before being marked.  The same approach will be taken to return marked scripts.  Teachers will disinfect hands before and after marking scripts.
6Where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)All staff and students can wear face coverings when moving around the building, at break and lunchtimes The school will maintain stocks of PPE and deploy them around school. PPE will be worn by all staff in specific circumstances: Provision for children and young people whose care routinely already involves the use of PPE due to their intimate care needs: Schools should continue to administer their care following the school’s usual procedures. Support for pupils whose specific needs mean they may be liable to spit: Appropriate staff should use PPE following the school’s usual procedures. First aid: First aiders should follow the school’s established practices. No additional PPE is needed because of coronavirus (COVID-19) for anyone who does not have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms. Where a pupil has suspected COVID-19, it may be necessary for staff to wear face masks, gloves and aprons. Eye protection will be needed if splashing from bodily fluids is likely to occur. The provision of direct personal care for a pupil with suspected COVID-19 where 2m distancing cannot be maintained (e.g. waiting for a pupil to be collected from school): In such cases, it may be necessary for staff to wear face masks, gloves and aprons. Eye protection will be needed if splashing from bodily fluids is likely to occur. Cleaning: Cleaning staff should wear disposable gloves and aprons for standard cleaning. Where cleaning of bodily fluids from suspected COVID-19 cases is undertaken, staff should also wear masks and eye protection. Catering: Kitchen staff should wear disposable gloves and aprons. A face shield will be worn based on the risk assessment.
7Engage with the NHS Test and Trace process.  Anyone displaying symptoms will be sent home immediately and asked to book a test. They will be asked to inform the school of the result.  
8Manage confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the school community.  The school will share advice on, and promote engagement with, ‘test and trace’ with all staff, students and parents.  
9Contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice.The school will contact the local health protection team to inform them if anyone at school tests positive. This team will also contact schools directly if they become aware that someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) attended the school – as identified by NHS Test and Trace. The health protection team will carry out a rapid risk assessment and confirm next steps. Following advice from PHE, the school will send home those people who have been in close contact (direct contacts, proximity contacts or travelling in a small vehicle) with the person who has tested positive, advising them to self-isolate for 10 days since they were last in close contact with that person when they were infectious. If any of these individuals develop symptoms, they will be eligible for testing. If positive, they should isolate for 7 days from the onset of their symptoms. If negative, they should complete full 14-day isolation period. The school will keep a record of staff and pupils in each bubble, plus anyone who has had close contact. PHE will provide a suite of letters to use in various circumstances.  The school will make use of these to ensure effective advice is disseminated to students, staff and parents when relevant. A template letter will be used by the school, on the advice of the health protection team, to send to parents and staff if needed. The school will not share the names or details of people with coronavirus (COVID-19) unless essential to protect others. The local public health protection team will liaise with the school if more extensive closure is required due to a suspected outbreak. The school will keep the Trust and LA updated (by completing relevant proforma).

Routines for the Start and End of the Day

Start of the school day 

8.20 – 8.40 

  • No cars can access the school site or car park between 8.20 – 8.45. 
  • The site team will open up the main driveway gate so students have plenty of space when entering the Academy and will then manage the very front gates to the school. 
  • SLT on duty will open the back gate and manage. 
  • KS3 to enter via the front gate, SLT/ELT to managed as per the duty rota. 
  • KS4 to enter via the back gate, SLT/ELT to managed as per the duty rota. 
  • KS5 have a full staggered arrival and dismissal so can use the front gate. 
  • All students to be directed to social distance once they walk through the school gates, unless they are in their year groups ‘bubble’. 
  • Students to go directly to their allocated year zone if they arrive before tutor time and will have a staggered entry into their tutor rooms, directed by the Pastoral Team. 
Internal Zones for Bubbles
External Zones for Bubbles
Year Group Bubbles
Year 7 Mrs Newman Year 8 Mr BissellYear 9 Miss Jaouen Year 10 Miss Aziz Year 11 Ms Redican 
  • Students go directly to their tutor room if they arrive at or after 8.40 

End of the school day 

  • Students to be dismissed at the times specified in the table below.
  • Staff on duty to ensure students leave the site swiftly
  • Students remaining on site for an approved extra session will require a pass

Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday

Year group:TimeExit location
715.05 pmFront gate
815.10 pmFront gate
915.15 pmFront gate
1015.05 pmBack gate
1115.10 pmBack gate


Year group:TimeExit location
714.15 pmFront gate
814.20 pmFront gate
914.25 pmFront gate
1014.15 pmBack gate
1114.20 pmBack gate

Expectations in the Classroom/Bubble

  • Students and staff will use hand sanitizer on entering each lesson within the day.
  • Teachers should wipe the keyboard and mouse at the start of each lesson.
  • In IT rooms, students should wipe their keyboard and mouse at the start of each lesson.
  • All classroom doors should be kept open at all times
  • When giving out resources in lesson (e.g. textbooks, exam papers), these may be shared within the bubble (ideally, within the class itself).  However, such resources may not be shared with students in other year groups until and unless they are disinfected, or they are left for a period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastic).   Where topics in a subject require specialist equipment (e.g. paintbrushes, musical instrument etc) across year groups, the scheme of work should be revised to allow topics to be delivered in a different sequence.  For example, painting may be delivered to Year 7 during the first half-term and then to Year 8 in the second half-term.  Similarly, different library books will be designated to each year group and can only be loaned by students in the same year group.
  • For marking of student work or assessments, teachers will wait 48 hours before handling.   Student books and test scripts will be placed in a plastic box (for the teacher) and retained in school for 48 hours before being marked.  The same approach will be taken to return marked scripts.  Teachers will disinfect hands before and after marking scripts.
  • All classrooms will have socially distant fixed seating where possible and students must sit in the same place at all times.   Desks and chairs must not be moved from their location.
  • When teaching, teachers should be at least 2m from students, avoid movement and stay near the screen.
  • Windows should be left open during the lesson unless it disrupts the learning.
  • Group activities and any close contact between individuals should be avoided.
  • Stationery and equipment should not be shared.

Specific Curriculum Issues

  • A full curriculum will be delivered, and all students will have access to all of the subjects they would normally have been offered.
  • All subjects will review and revise the delivery of their curriculum to mitigate the risk of infection.   Some subject-specific issues are outlined below.
Art & Design and TechnologyThe scheme of work for the subject should be re-sequenced to ensure that students from different year groups do not use the same specialist equipment.  A period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastic) is needed for specialist equipment to disinfect before it is used by students from another year group.The specialist rooms should be disinfected before and after they are used.
Scienceteacher demonstration will be used rather than students undertaking the practical.
RSHEThe teaching of mental health and wellbeing should be prioritised during the first term.
MusicChoral singing should be avoided. 
Sports and ChangingStudents to wear PE kit on the days they have PE Where possible, PE should be undertaken in outdoor spaces.Contact sports should be avoided.The scheme of work for Sports should be re-sequenced to ensure that students from different year groups do not use the same specialist equipment.  A period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastic) is needed for specialist equipment to disinfect before it is used by students from another year group.Showers are not permitted.
Textbooks and Library BooksWhen giving out textbooks in lesson, these may be shared within the bubble (ideally, within the class itself).  However, such resources may not be shared with students in other year groups until and unless they are disinfected or they are left for a period of 48 hours.   The library will be closed.  No students are permitted to congregate in the library.   The school will communicate the books available in the library to all students who will be able to request a book to be loaned to them.  Different library books will be designated to each year group and can only be loaned by students in the same year group.  The book will be delivered to the student. 

Curriculum Recovery Planning

  • The school will deliver a number of strategies to ensure that all students catch up on missed learning and progress by the end of the academic year.
  • These strategies are outlined in the school’s ‘Catch-Up Plan’.

Student Leadership

  • Leadership opportunities will continue, though care will be taken to avoid infection within and between bubbles.
  • Prefects and ambassadors will be appointed on a year group basis and will support supervision and communication with students within their year group only.
  • The Student Council will meet in school but virtually, such that:
  • The meeting will occur outside of lesson time, (e.g. during assembly).
  • All students within the same year groups (bubble) will sit together
  • Each set of year group students will then ‘meet’ virtually with students from other year groups via MS Teams.
  • The member of staff supervising the meeting may be present in any of the rooms providing they maintain distancing from the students.
  • The Head Girl and Deputy HeadGirl are permitted to visit assemblies and form classes if they maintain social distancing from each other (if in different year groups) and from the students within the assembly. 
  • Enrichment clubs, events should only be delivered within a specific year group.   Alternatively, this may be delivered with students from different year groups in school but meeting virtually.  In such circumstances, staff supervision must be maintained.
  • Activities such as careers events and visiting speakers should be delivered virtually.
  • All fundraising, such as charity stalls, should only be permitted if crowding can be mitigated and if the only attendees are from the year group of those leading the fundraising.
  • Sixth Form students may be offered volunteering opportunities within the main school if they are:
  • Able to maintain at least 2m social distancing from all students at all times.
  • Inducted on infection control measures.
  • Adequately supervised at all times.


  • Heads of Year will continue weekly calls to all isolating students (not attending school).
  • The school will deploy mentors and mental health practitioners to support students and staff affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.   This includes evaluating mental health of all members of the school community, supporting with bereavement, targeting students with attendance and behaviour concerns and maintaining Risk Register.
  • The school’s Mental Health Practitioners will meet with vulnerable students and provide mentoring support.   They will maintain distancing and be inducted on infection control measures within the school.   All of their meetings should be in a booked meeting room which is disinfected before and after each student has visited.  Group mentoring is only permitted with students from within the year group.

Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs

  • The support for students with SEND is in three forms. 
  • Support within the classroom.
  • Support within the classroom, supplemented by partial withdrawal.
  • Complete withdrawal from classroom with alternative provision.
  • Each form of support will require mitigation to avoid infection.
SEND SupportGuidance
Support within the classroom.Staff supporting in the classroom should maintain as much social distancing from the pupils they support as possible whilst maintaining effective support).    If needed, they should liaise with the teacher to agree a seating plan that maximises their opportunity for distancing.Staff should also consider:Sit side by side with the student, both facing the front.Avoid facing the student they support unless this is needed for hearing impairment.Avoid physical contact with the student.Ensure that they do not share stationery or contact the same surfaces.Check regularly whether the students they support are symptomatic.
Support within the classroom, supplemented by partial withdrawal.If students with SEND from different year groups need to be accommodated within the Access and Inclusion area (for partial withdrawal from the curriculum) and there are no additional venues or staffing, they must maintain social distancing of at least 2m from each other at all times.All spaces within the SEND and Inclusion area must be disinfected before and after each use.
Complete withdrawal from classroom with alternative provision.This will be considered to be its own bubble.  All of the rules for each bubble will apply to this provision.All students within this provision will arrive, learn, have break and lunch, and leave together – with no opportunities for proximity to other bubbles.If a student is ready to move between the alternative provision and their main year group bubble, this should only be undertaken at the end of a term.   This allows for a gap of 14 days for movement between bubbles.
  1. Breaktime Plan
  2. Students will have staggered break times.
  3. Students will queue with social distancing where possible.
  4. Only 6 students are allowed to sit per bench in the zoned areas in the Dining Halls. 
  5. Students are only permitted to use the Dining Hall if getting a snack.  Otherwise, they will go outside to their designated outdoor space.
  6. Other than the Dining Hall, students are not permitted to be in the building during break time.
  7. During break, students will be supervised by Senior staff, in addition to teaching staff as per a rota. 
  8. During a wet break, students will be asked to use the designated Dining Hall or stay in their bubble rooms.
  9. All benches will be wiped down with disinfectant continuously between 10.10am and 11.25am.

Lunchtime Plan

  • Students will have staggered lunch times.
  • Students will queue with social distancing. 
  • Students will be asked to use hand sanitiser before and after lunch
  • A grab and go menu will apply with disposable cutlery
  • Only 6 students are allowed to sit per bench in the Dining Halls.  Staff will eat in their classrooms and staffrooms (with distancing), so the full capacity will be used for students.  
  • Students are only permitted to use the Dining Hall if getting lunch.  Otherwise, they will go outside.
  • Other than the Dining Hall, students are not permitted to be in the building during lunchtime.
  • During lunchtime, students will be supervised by dining and staff on duty.


  • Cleaners will disinfect and wipe down all surfaces in these high frequency areas:
  • Cleaners must wear PPE at all times (disposable gloves, apron). Cleaning staff should wear disposable gloves and aprons for standard cleaning. Where cleaning of bodily fluids from suspected COVID-19 cases is undertaken, staff should also wear masks and eye protection.

First Aid and Medical Room

  • Any student or member of staff who falls ill or is hurt in school will go home.
  • A student who is unwell will wait in PE Disabled toilet area before being collected by a parent.  
  • First aiders should follow the school’s established practices. No additional PPE is needed because of coronavirus (COVID-19) for anyone who does not have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms.
  • Where a pupil has suspected COVID-19, staff should wear face masks, gloves and aprons. Eye

Emergency Evacuation

  • On hearing the fire alarm, students must be instructed to leave the building in single file and in a calm, orderly manner whilst exercising as much social distancing as possible.  
  • The person in charge of each class must indicate the exit route to be used and everyone must be directed to the predetermined Assembly Point.
  • The Assembly Point remains the same.
  • Once everyone has left the classroom or office, staff must lock the door.
  • Specific arrangements must be made for students with physical disabilities or complex needs to ensure that they are assisted during evacuation.   In such circumstances, staff should wear a mask if social distancing is not possible.
  • All bags, coats and classroom materials must be left in the classroom.
  • As staff move to the evacuation point:
  • Staff should maintain social distancing from colleagues and other students.
  • Students should be encouraged to move quickly and staff should model this.
  • Any visitors to school must be directed to follow the students out of the nearest exit.
  • Anyone who is not in class when the alarm sounds must report to the assembly point.
  • If the evacuation is necessary during break or lunchtime periods, students and staff should evacuate immediately and report to the meeting point.
  • Admin staff will bring the visitor signing-in log and completed registers for each class to the assembly point.
  • It may not be possible for students to avoid proximity to students of other year groups (bubbles) whilst evacuating the building – however, students will be instructed to avoid all physical contact on their way to the Assembly Point.
  • At the Assembly Point:
  • All students should stand within their bubbles and maximise the distance between bubbles.
  • All students should line up in their form classes and be registered by their Learning Coordinator.
  • Upon re-entry into the lesson, students should use a hand sanitiser.

Visitors, Reception and Deliveries

  • All visitors should be approved by the Headteacher beforehand and unnecessary visitors should be avoided.
  • Virtual meetings should remain the norm for external companies and business where possible
  • All visitors who wish to spend time in school should be asked at the school reception if they have had COVID-19 symptoms in the past 7 days.   If so, they should be refused entry and advised to isolate themselves at home and get tested.
  • Visitors arriving at reception should be asked to maintain social distancing if waiting to be seen.
  • Visitors entering school should be asked to use the hand sanitiser.
  • Visitors should be inducted on safety and hygiene measures if they are spending time in school.
  • All deliveries should be handled with gloves and left for 48 hours (72 hours for plastic) and/or disinfected before opening.  Hands should be washed with soap after handling any deliveries.

Parents’ Evening and Meetings

  • Meetings with individual parents are permitted, providing:
  • Parents are advised to only attend the meeting if they – or a member of their household – are not symptomatic.   This should also be asked at reception.
  • Parents sanitise their hands before and after the meeting and where a face covering.
  • All care is taken to avoid parents coming into proximity with any student other than their own child.
  • Social distancing is maintained during the meeting.
  • Parents’ evenings, where there is a large gathering of parents, should be avoided during the first term.  Instead, the school will make appointments with parents of targeted pupils when needed.
  • Information events for parents, such as curriculum guidance evenings, will be delivered virtually.

Managing Positive Case and Outbreaks

  • Anyone displaying symptoms will be sent home immediately and asked to book a test. They will be asked to inform the school of the result.
  • The school will share advice on, and promote engagement with, ‘test and trace’ with all staff, students and parents.
  • The school will contact the local health protection team to inform them if anyone at school tests positive. This team will also contact schools directly if they become aware that someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) attended the school – as identified by NHS Test and Trace.
  • The health protection team will carry out a rapid risk assessment and confirm next steps.
  • Following advice from PHE, the school will send home those people who have been in close contact (direct contacts, proximity contacts or travelling in a small vehicle) with the person who has tested positive, advising them to self-isolate for 14 days since they were last in close contact with that person when they were infectious.
  • If any of these individuals develop symptoms, they will be eligible for testing.
  • If positive, they should isolate for 7 days from the onset of their symptoms.
  • If negative, they should complete full 14-day isolation period.
  • The school will keep a record of staff and pupils in each bubble, plus anyone who has had close contact.
  • PHE will provide a suite of letters to use in various circumstances.  The school will make use of these to ensure effective advice is disseminated to students, staff and parent when relevant.
  • A template letter will be used by the school, on the advice of the health protection team, to send to parents and staff if needed. The school will not share the names or details of people with coronavirus (COVID-19) unless essential to protect others.
  • The local public health protection team will liaise with the school if more extensive closure is required due to a suspected outbreak.
  • The school will keep the Trust and LA updated (by completing relevant proforma).
  • The Trust will provide spreadsheets to schools to maintain a record of all staff and pupils who are self-isolating and who and who have tested positive. These spreadsheets must be kept up to date.

Remote Education (and Contingency for School or Local Lockdown)

  • The normal school timetable will be delivered simultaneously via MS Teams to students in school and those isolating at home.
  • Lessons will also be delivered through MS Teams in the event of a closure for a particular year group or the full school, or if a member of teaching staff is isolating at home but well enough to work.  
  • MS Teams has been set up to mimic the school timetable.  As such, students will be taught by their normal teacher in their normal class groupings for their normal number of lessons.
  • In addition to online lessons, all subjects will use MS Teams to share resources, engage in subject dialogue and respond to queries.
  • Induction will be delivered to all new students and staff to ensure they are familiar with the platform.

Student Expectations

When attending school, students must follow the rules and expectations outlined below.   This will help to maintain the health and wellbeing of everyone in our school and wider community.  

  1. Only attend school if you and all members of your household do not have Covid-19 related symptoms
  2. Wear a mask or face covering if using the school bus or public transport. 
  3. Arrive to school and leave to go home at the designated time.  Do not congregate in school at the end of the day.
  4. Use a sanitiser to disinfect hands on entering and leaving school and each lesson within the day.   Wash hands with soap regularly during the day.
  5. Stick to your bubble and zone at all times.
  6. Avoid physical contact at all times.  No hugs, shaking hands etc. Maintain as much distance from others as possible.
  7. In the classroom, do not move the table or chair.   Avoid touching displays and other surfaces.   Wipe specialist equipment before and after use.
  8. At break and lunchtimes, go outside (if weather is good) or designated zone (if weather is poor).  Maintain a safe distance from others.
  9. Do not share belongings (stationery, food etc) with others.
  10. Use your designated toilets only.  Only enter the toilets if there is a free cubicle.

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