Female Empowerment
We pride ourselves in helping our girls and young women to develop broad horizons, offering strong female role models and allowing students to take advantage of all opportunities available to them. Evidence shows that all girls at single-sex schools achieve, on average, higher grades than those in co-educational environments.
Collaboration with the King Edward VI Trust
Being part of the prestigious King Edwards VI Trust means that we work closely with the other schools in the trust.
Close Knit Family Environment
We are a small sixth form which means we are attentive to all our students by providing personalised academic and pastoral support to meet the needs of each individual student.
Focus on Academia
Encouraging our students to apply to the top universities in the UK and aboard. We provide specialised support with UCAS applications and have links to the University of Birmingham A2B scheme as well as others.
All sixth form students have the opportunity to select a subject from our tailor-made enrichment programme.
Extra Curricular and Super-Curricular Activities
Wealth of clubs and societies lead by both staff and students. Provides students with the opportunity of delving into their interests and hobbies whilst working with students in the wider school community.
Specialist Support for STEM Subjects
Specialised focus on encouraging our students to enter into the STEM field. This includes running workshops with outside agencies, specialised support for Medic UCAS applications, using online platforms to support studies and working closely with universities.
Student Leadership Opportunities
We offer a range of opportunities for our students to develop their leadership skills. This includes joining the senior and extended student leadership teams, peer mentoring programmes and student lead clubs and societies.
Trips and Visits
Students have the opportunity of attending trips and visits locally, nationally and internationally. These include: visits to university fairs, ice skating, theatre/museum visits and CERN school trip to Geneva.
16-19 Bursary
The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund helps disadvantaged pupils pay for things they need to support their education or training. If you are eligible, the payments will be made in-kind which include travel passes, vouchers, Free School Meal, books and trips.
To qualify you must be aged under 19 on the 31st of August in the academic year in which you start your programme of study and a legal resident of the UK or registered asylum seeker. There are three levels to the Bursary and you can only be eligible for one:
Level 1: Those most in need, such as young people in care, care leavers, young people receiving income support and disabled young people receiving both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance, those who get Income support or universal credit because you’re financially supporting themselves, if claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in their name and either ESA or universal Credit can apply for a bursary of £1,200 per year funded by the Government paid in-kind.
Level 2: This bursary can be allocated to students who need support to overcome financial barriers that might prevent them continuing in full time education, for example, being able to afford transport to school, field trips or textbooks. Applications must state what the identifiable financial need is. The criteria for any support are that the total household income must be less than £25,000pa and that no other income is available from another household to support the student. Documentary evidence is required. Students will receive a bursary of up to £600 per year paid in-kind for identified and agreed costs outlined in the application process.
Level 3: This bursary is not means tested and is available to support travel costs for students who need to attend another educational provider to complete their course. In most circumstances the school will provide transport and charge this to the 16-19 bursary fund to a maximum of £500 per student paid in-kind.