Every minute counts
From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child. Our school is part of a national campaign to remind parents and carers of the importance of school attendance. #schoolreadylifeready.
Frequent absence can add up to a considerable amount of lost learning and can seriously disadvantage your child in adult life.
- 5 minutes late every day means around 3 ½ days of education are missed
- a score of 90% in a test would be a good result but 90% attendance means that a child will have missed around 100 lessons over a school year.
The majority of our students are on time to school every day. Thank you for your ongoing support in ensuring that your daughter attends school on time every day. Lesson 1 begins promptly at 8:45am, which means that your daughter needs to be in her seat waiting for the register to be taken by 08:40am.
Students who are late, without a valid reason, will sit in a 30 minute after school detention on the same day.

Absence disrupts the education of the individual pupil and the whole class. Are you aware those children who do not attend regularly:
- do not achieve well in exams
- find it difficult to maintain friendships
- are more likely to become involved in crime
- miss out on opportunities in further education and the world of work?

Term Time Holidays
Please be advised that term-time holidays are very unlikely to be approved. If families ignore this the absence will be unauthorised and you will be at risk of receiving a £160 Fixed Penalty Notice per parent on your return.
Last term, 36 parents have received Penalty Notices for taking students on unauthorised leave in term time.
Please note that, Birmingham City Council strongly discourages pupil leave of absence during term time. The expectation is that such leave would only be authorised in the most exceptional circumstance.
Please ensure that leave is taken in the school holidays only.
Absence/ Attendance
Regular attendance is seen as very important at King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls Academy. Every opportunity is taken by the school to encourage all pupils to come to school regularly. We have a designated pastoral team who work closely with our families and support them with attendance concerns.
Our Attendance Strategy is available on the Statutory Information and Important Documents section of the website.
Recording Absence
If your child is absent from school, please report the absence via the School App.
Medical and Dental Appointments
Parents are advised to avoid booking medical and dental appointments during school hours so that your daughter’s learning is not disrupted. In terms of medical appointments and evidence we would like all parents to share key information such as medical letters, appointment information by sending the information to attendance@hwga.org.uk in advance of any appointments.
The KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls' App
The school has an app, available on line here, or you can download it directly from the Apple Store or the Play Store, for you to keep in touch with the school and to report your child’s absences.
If we have your email address, you should have received an enrolment email from us with your log in details.
If you haven’t received this email please get in touch with us here.
King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy attendance last year, was significantly above national figures. The school has worked closely with parents to ensure the highest levels of attendance and the while school target is above 97%. The school follows the Local Authority procedures for attendance and please see below the relevant information that all parents and carers must read:
Links | |
BCC National Frameworks for Penalty Notices for School Absences | Download |
BCC National Frameworks for Penalty Notices for School Absences FAQ’s | Download |
Birmingham City Council Attendance Procedures | Go to |
The school is keen to work in partnership with pupils, parents and external agencies where necessary to ensure educational entitlement and regular attendance. The taking of holidays during the school terms is strongly discouraged, it is hoped that parents will help in the following ways:
- Not letting their daughter take time off school for minor ailments
- Arranging appointments and outings after school hours, or as late as possible in the afternoon, at weekends or during school holidays
- Not taking holidays during term time. The importance of regular attendance is emphasised in the table below:

As a maintained school we follow all local education authority guidelines which can include fining parents and court action when necessary as detailed below:
Schools can fine parents for the unauthorised absence of their child from school, where the child is of compulsory school age. If issued with a penalty notice, parents must pay £60 within 21 days or £120 within 28 days. The payment must be made directly to the local authority. The decision on whether or not to issue a penalty notice ultimately rests with the headteacher, following the local authority’s code of conduct for issuing penalty notices.
Links | |
BCC National Frameworks for Penalty Notices for School Absences FAQs | Download |
Birmingham City Council Attendance Procedures | Go to |

Schools can fine parents for the unauthorised absence of their child from school, where the child is of compulsory school age. If issued with a penalty notice, it will be £160 per child per parent, to be paid within 28 days. However, if paid within 21 days it will be reduced to £80 per child per parent.