We have confirmation that there will be a delay with us moving into the new building. Monday, 2nd September will be an Inset day and all students will return to the academy on Tuesday, 3rd September in the old building. We will then have two Inset days on Friday 13th September and Monday 16th September to move into the new building and then have a staggered start for different year groups in the new building (please see the proposed plan below). Where it says ‘Remote’, students will have to attend all of their timetabled lessons on MS Teams, therefore their day will start and finish according to the normal school day, 08:45 – 15:15.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on enquiry@hwga.org.uk.
September 2024 Start
Dear Families We are excited to welcome everyone back on Tuesday, 3rd September. As a reminder, please note that we…